A dipeptide molecule shown in 3-D using Jsmol

A dipeptide molecule (leucine-alanine) shown in 3-D

A dipeptide is formed when two amino acids (in this case leucine and alanine) combine together. The -CONH- bond between the amino acid residues is called a peptide bond.

If the condensation process is repeated with one more amino-acid it will make a tripeptide, or if many amino-acids are combined the result is a polypeptide.

In each of these cases, there is an unattached amino group (-NH2) at one end as well as an unattached acid group (-COOH) at the other end of the chain of amino acid residues. These are called the N-terminus and the C-terminus.

Other options: Label the peptide bond atoms.

Highlight leucine residue

Highlight alanine residue
Label/ Unlabel atoms