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Howlers - from Christmas Exams 2001 to Summer Assessments 2002

One of the ingredients of cigarette smoke is tobacco.

One of the effects of bile is to emulate fat.

For greater accuracy, we could have used a Beirut.

Enzymes are destroyed by heart.

One variable is the amount of time left in the solution.

Enzymes breed best at around 36 °C but become dormant if exceeded greatly.

The heat is now having a reversed effect on the process because it has passed body temperature so it is unrealistic.

Advantage of a polar bear's white coat: it reflects away the cold.

Fur is an insulator from the cold and also a conductor of heat around the body.

Name of disease: Athlete's food

How to avoid the spread of athlete's foot:
Don't play footsie with women.

Part of the eye: black spot

How does stirring help in sewage treatment?
It makes the sewage more equal.

Explain symptomless carriers:
They are the first generation of the tree so they do not have other relations.

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