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Unknown liquids practical

Provided in lab

Waterbaths (shared):
37 °C                                       100 °C

50 cm3 boiling tubes + rack
waterproof marker pen
Benedict's solution


1) Label 6 tubes (A-F) and put your name or mark on them. Place them in order in the rack. Prepare a table for results.
2) Measure 2.5 cm3 of glucose solution into tube A.
3) Measure 2.5 cm3 of liquid X into tubes B, D and E.
4) Measure 2.5 cm3 of liquid Y into tubes C and F.
5) Transfer tubes E and F to the 100 °C waterbath. Note the time, so as to leave them for 15 minutes.
6) Perform Benedict's test on tubes A, B and C, and replace them in the rack. Record the results in a table.
7) Allow the tubes E and F to cool in the rack.
8) Add 2.5 cm3 of liquid Y to the contents of tube D. Shake to mix, then place the tube in the 37 °C waterbath. Note the time, so as to leave it for 15 minutes.
9) Similarly, add 2.5 cm3 of liquid Y to the contents of tube E, and add 2.5 cm3 of liquid X to the contents of tube F. Shake each tube to mix, then place it in the 37 °C waterbath. Note the time, so as to leave it for 15 minutes.
10) Perform Benedict's test on tubes D, E and F, and replace them in the rack.
11) You may perform any other tests on solutions X and Y if you like
12) Record the results in the table. Complete your report and interpretation, explaining the significance of each stage in the procedure. Hand it in before leaving the laboratory.
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